Chief Warrant Officer Michael Bechmanis, CD
Regimental Sergeant Major
2021- pres
Chief Warrant Officer Michael Bechmanis enrolled with 30 Fd Artillery while attending Carleton University before transferring to 7 Tor RCA in September 2000. During his first few years of service, he completed various courses and tasks, including time with ‘W’ Bty in Gagetown. As well he filled various roles within the Regiment during that time which lead him to being nominated for leadership training. Throughout his career with 7 Tor RCA, he has filled every type of position for the Gunline, Command Post and Recce as he progressed through the ranks. CWO Bechmanis also spent a number of training cycles working concurrently as an instructor with the 32 Bde BSL. He has filled various roles with the BSL, including the Drill Sergeant Major from Aug 20 until Sept 21 when he was appointed Regimental Sergeant Major of 7 Tor RCA Regiment.
CWO Bechmanis has deployed on various international and domestic call-outs: Op ATHENA Roto 0 Kabul, Afghanistan in 2003; Op ATHENA Roto 3 Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2007; Op Cadance G8/G20 summit in Toronto in 2010; Op PRESENCE, I-OSH Senegal in 2019 as the Camp Sergeant Major; and Op GLOBE, Cornwall in 2020 as the Camp Sergeant Major. CWO Bechmanis also assisted with the planning and went on the NATO exercise as part of the JTFSC for Exercise Trident Juncture in Norway in 2018.
CWO Bechmanis holds an undergraduate degree from York University in Toronto and a Post-Graduate Degree in Education from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. He has worked as a teacher at both public and private schools within Ontario as well as at some public schools in the UK. He currently works on a contract basis with the CAF. When he isn’t balancing between Regimental and Divisional commitments, he spends his free-time with his family.